Автор Тема: Six identical questions for six Medical Professors from different countries.  (Прочитано 20684 раз)

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Last year we interviewed several professors from different countries.
Here is a second one on our website.


1. How did you choose the Public Health and Health Care as your main specialty?
2. There is an annual growth in the number of defended dissertations in modern Russia, however, the number of scientific publications has a reverse trend. What do you think about this? Why it may happen? Could you please describe the situation with dissertations and research in your country?
3. What are the most common ways to access information about new research used by practicing physicians in your country?
4. How much time practicing doctors in your country spend seeking information about research findings?
5. Do you think that Health Policy in your country is based on evidence derived from scientific research?
6. How do you see the future of the evidence-based medicine in your country and around the world?

1. Daniel E. Singer, M.D., Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School http://www.sqlab.ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=6635:the-views-of-foreign-counterparts&catid=392:2010-10-23-20-21-25&Itemid=138
2. E. John Orav, Associate Professor in the Department of Biostatistics, Harvard School of Public Health, HMS  http://www.sqlab.ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=6639:the-views-of-foreign-counterparts&catid=392:2010-10-23-20-21-25&Itemid=138
« Последнее редактирование: 30 Января 2011, 13:52:23 от ssosh »